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Standing Ovations in theater are historically given for performances of significance that go above and beyond expectations. The Midland Theater Standing Ovation membership is offered as a way for small businesses in our community to be recognized at a meaningful level of giving that is affordable over time.

How it works

Designed to provide a way for most small businesses to reach the minimum giving level of $1,000 The Standing Ovation Member can give an initial contribution of $100 and over a three year period, a monthly or quarterly pledge of $25.00 a month will be credited to the member’s contribution level. The monthly/quarterly payment can be paid through PayPal or by Check and would be handled through the Coffeyville Area Community Foundation.


Member Benefits

The member becomes part of the Standing Ovation Membership upon completing the pledge card and paying the initial $100. At that time the member will receive recognition through the Standing Ovation program and remains in good Standing as long as payments are made as pledged.



The goal is to offer a minimum of 100 business owners the opportunity to participate and as a small business community raise a minimum of $100,000 for the campaign.


Becoming a Standing Ovation Member is easy. Just follow these simple steps.

  1. Complete a pledge card and pledge $25 per month to be donated monthly, quarterly, or annually.

  2. Pay initial contribution of $100

  3. Payment may be through PayPal on the Midland Foundation Website or by check made out to the Midland Foundation/CACF and mailed to Coffeyville Area Community Foundation PO Box 635 Coffeyville, KS 67337


Become a Standing Ovation Member and receive the following benefits

  1. A certificate of participation in the Standing Ovation Program.

  2. A Midland Theater Foundation Standing Ovation decal for display at the member’s business.

  3. Name on a Standing Ovation Tribute in the newly renovated Midland Theater & Event Center once construction is completed.

Yes, I want to be involved in the Standing Ovation!

Fill out the form below to indicate your interest today!

Awesome! The Midland Theater Foundation will be in contact shortly!

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