"The Show Must Go On," is a phrase we use again and again. However, this iconic tagline means so much more for our foundation. We encourage you to be part of our history as we resurrect this historic landmark and reopen The Midland Theater.
Your tax-deductible donation will help The Midland Theater Foundation reopen the theater and event center for our community and future generations.
Built in 1928, The Midland Theater is rich in history. With a past as magnificent as its architecture, we hope this iconic structure can be restored to its former glory.
The Midland Theater is recognized by the Kansas Historical Society and listed on the National and State Registers of Historic Places.
The Midland Theater Foundation has developed plans to renovate and repurpose the Midland into a much needed cultural, educational, and community hub.
At the completion of each of four projects, specific venues in the Midland will be offering innovative youth programs as well as traditional film and theatrical events.
Now is the time to accomplish the task of renovating The Midland Theater and the Alamo building so as to create an anchor business for downtown Coffeyville. The Board has identified several key uses of The Midland Theater & Event Center:
Auditorium will seat approximately 800 with around 500 seats downstairs and 300 seats in the balcony.
Banquet hall in event center open to public for gatherings will seat approximately 300.
Stage & Screen
Large stage area for concerts, theatrical productions, and moveable movie screen for motion picture films.
Flexible Space
Event center will have capability to divide into 3 spaces with flexible seating of 100 per space.
Ballroom on the second floor of theater open to public for gatherings with a capacity of 60.
Amenities available within event space will include public restrooms, catering kitchen, bar, and storage room.